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发布时间:2022-06-27 13:11 所属栏目:53 来源:互联网
导读:日前,互联网爆出AMR合约存在高危安全风险的交易,该合约存在批量转账溢出漏洞,当合约实现批量转账功能时,容易在计算通证增加量时发生溢出漏洞,BUGX.IO安全团队经过研究分析发现,同类漏洞仍在以太坊里面部分存在。 以下为漏洞分析过程: 原理 /** * @dev
       * @dev Function is used to perform a multi-transfer operation. This could play a significant role in the Ammbr Mesh Routing protocol.
       * Mechanics:
       * Sends tokens from Sender to destinations[0..n] the amount tokens[0..n]. Both arrays
       * must have the same size, and must have a greater-than-zero length. Max array size is 127.
       * This function performs a loop over arrays. Unless executed in a controlled environment,
       * it has the potential of failing due to gas running out. This is not dangerous, yet care
       * must be taken to prevent quality being affected.
       * @param destinations An array of destinations we would be sending tokens to
       * @param tokens An array of tokens, sent to destinations (index is used for destination->token match)
      function multiTransfer(address[] destinations, uint[] tokens) public returns (bool success){
          // Two variables must match in length, and must contain elements
          // Plus, a maximum of 127 transfers are supported
          assert(destinations.length > 0);
          assert(destinations.length < 128);
          assert(destinations.length == tokens.length);
          // Check total requested balance
          uint8 i = 0;
          uint totalTokensToTransfer = 0;
          for (i = 0; i < destinations.length; i++){
              assert(tokens[i] > 0);
              totalTokensToTransfer += tokens[i];
          // Do we have enough tokens in hand?
          assert (balances[msg.sender] > totalTokensToTransfer);
          // We have enough tokens, execute the transfer
          balances[msg.sender] = balances[msg.sender].sub(totalTokensToTransfer);
          for (i = 0; i < destinations.length; i++){
              // Add the token to the intended destination
              balances[destinations[i]] = balances[destinations[i]].add(tokens[i]);
              // Call the event...
              emit Transfer(msg.sender, destinations[i], tokens[i]);
          return true;
  `totalTokensToTransfer += tokens[i];` 这一句溢出,溢出后,totalTokensToTransfer 变小了,从而绕过了 `assert (balances[msg.sender] > totalTokensToTransfer);` 的判断,这样就能花极少的token ,任意增加目标地址的token。
  1. 部署 AMR 合约。
  2. 因为需要攻击者 token 数量大于0,所以先使用管理员账户给攻击者地址充 token。
  3. 使用漏洞溢出攻击
  这里需要两个地址,一个是攻击者,另一个为其它地址,这里设置 0 地址就行。

