在Google Container Engine上申请创建Docker容器
(1)要申请一个Google账户。 (3)激活Google API 然后点击建立,会自动跳转到当前创建好的工程中: (4)安装gcloud 到Google Cloud SDK上可以下载到各个版本的客户端: 复制代码 代码如下:
The *gcloud* CLI manages authentication, local configuration, developer workflow, and interactions with the Google Cloud Platform APIs. optional flags: --account ACCOUNT Google Cloud Platform user account to use for invocation. --format FORMAT Format for printed output. --help Display detailed help. --log-http LOG_HTTP Logs all HTTP server requests and responses to stderr. (true/false) --project PROJECT_ID Google Cloud Platform project ID to use for this invocation. --quiet, -q Disable all interactive prompts. --trace-token TRACE_TOKEN Token used to route traces of service requests for investigation of issues. --user-output-enabled USER_OUTPUT_ENABLED Control whether user intended output is printed to the console. (true/false) --verbosity VERBOSITY Override the default verbosity for this command. This must be a standard logging verbosity level: [debug, info, warning, error, critical, none] (Default: [warning]). -h Print a summary help and exit. -v, --version Print version information. command groups: auth Manage oauth2 credentials for the Google Cloud SDK. components List, install, update, or remove Google Cloud SDK components or packages. compute Read and manipulate Google Compute Engine resources. config View and edit Google Cloud SDK properties. container Deploy and manage clusters of machines for running containers. deployment-manager Manage deployments of cloud resources. dns Manage your Cloud DNS managed-zones and record-sets. sql Manage Cloud SQL databases. topic gcloud supplementary help. commands: docker Provides the docker CLI access to the Google Container Registry. feedback Provide feedback to the Google Cloud SDK team. help Prints detailed help messages for the specified commands. info Display information about the current gcloud environment. init Create and initialize a gcloud workspace in the current directory. version Print version information for Cloud SDK components. (编辑:ASP站长网) |