Phpcms V9 使用全站最新文章的代码
发布时间:2021-12-18 11:11 所属栏目:19 来源:互联网
导读:Phpcms默认不支持调用全站最新文章,需要修改文件/phpcms/modules/content/classes/content_tag.class.php,找到以下函数: public function lists($data) { $catid = intval($data[catid]); if(!$this-set_modelid($catid)) return false; if(isset($data[where
Phpcms默认不支持调用全站最新文章,需要修改文件/phpcms/modules/content/classes/content_tag.class.php,找到以下函数: public function lists($data) { $catid = intval($data['catid']); if(!$this->set_modelid($catid)) return false; if(isset($data['where'])) { $sql = $data['where']; } else { $thumb = intval($data['thumb']) ? " AND thumb != ''" : ''; if($this->category[$catid]['child']) { $catids_str = $this->category[$catid]['arrchildid']; $pos = strpos($catids_str,',')+1; $catids_str = substr($catids_str, $pos); $sql = "status=99 AND catid IN ($catids_str)".$thumb; } else { $sql = "status=99 AND catid='$catid'".$thumb; } } $order = $data['order']; $return = $this->db->select($sql, '*', $data['limit'], $order, '', 'id'); //调用副表的数据 if (isset($data['moreinfo']) && intval($data['moreinfo']) == 1) { $ids = array(); foreach ($return as $v) { if (isset($v['id']) && !emptyempty($v['id'])) { $ids[] = $v['id']; } else { continue; } } if (!emptyempty($ids)) { $this->db->table_name = $this->db->table_name.'_data'; $ids = implode('/',/'', $ids); $r = $this->db->select("`id` IN ('$ids')", '*', '', '', '', 'id'); if (!emptyempty($r)) { foreach ($r as $k=>$v) { if (isset($return[$k])) $return[$k] = array_merge($v, $return[$k]); } } } } $order = $data['order']; $return = $this->db->select($sql, '*', $data['limit'], $order, '', 'id'); //调用副表的数据 if (isset($data['moreinfo']) && intval($data['moreinfo']) == 1) { $ids = array(); foreach ($return as $v) { if (isset($v['id']) && !emptyempty($v['id'])) { $ids[] = $v['id']; } else { continue; } } if (!emptyempty($ids)) { $this->db->table_name = $this->db->table_name.'_data'; $ids = implode('/',/'', $ids); $r = $this->db->select("`id` IN ('$ids')", '*', '', '', '', 'id'); if (!emptyempty($r)) { foreach ($r as $k=>$v) { if (isset($return[$k])) $return[$k] = array_merge($v, $return[$k]); } } } } return $return; } 修改代码后,即能调取全站最新文章. 调用方法:{pc:content action="lists" num="10" order="id DESC" cache="3600"} (编辑:ASP站长网) |