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来自维谛的Vertiv LiebertITA2小功率UPS到底有何“过人之处”?(2)

发布时间:2018-03-31 05:08 所属栏目:21 来源:站长网
导读:About Vertiv Vertiv designs, builds and services critical infrastructure that enables vital applications for data centres, communication networks and commercial and industrial facilities. Formerly

About Vertiv Vertiv designs, builds and services critical infrastructure that enables vital applications for data centres, communication networks and commercial and industrial facilities. Formerly Emerson Network Power, Vertiv supports today‘s growing mobile and cloud computing markets with a portfolio of power, thermal and infrastructure management solutions including the Chloride®, Liebert®, NetSure® and Trellis® brands. Sales in fiscal 2016 were $4.4 billion. For more information, visit VertivCo.com.

