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发布时间:2019-10-23 21:33 所属栏目:117 来源:Magesh Maruthamuthu
导读:要使用新字段进行排序,请选择相应的排序字段字母, 然后按下回车键排序。 Current Sort Field: N for window 1:Def Select sort field via field letter, type any other key to return a: PID = Process Id b: PP

要使用新字段进行排序,请选择相应的排序字段字母, 然后按下回车键排序。

  1. Current Sort Field: N for window 1:Def
  2. Select sort field via field letter, type any other key to return
  3. a: PID = Process Id
  4. b: PPID = Parent Process Pid
  5. c: RUSER = Real user name
  6. d: UID = User Id
  7. e: USER = User Name
  8. f: GROUP = Group Name
  9. g: TTY = Controlling Tty
  10. h: PR = Priority
  11. i: NI = Nice value
  12. j: P = Last used cpu (SMP)
  13. k: %CPU = CPU usage
  14. l: TIME = CPU Time
  15. m: TIME+ = CPU Time, hundredths
  16. * N: %MEM = Memory usage (RES)
  17. o: VIRT = Virtual Image (kb)
  18. p: SWAP = Swapped size (kb)
  19. q: RES = Resident size (kb)
  20. r: CODE = Code size (kb)
  21. s: DATA = Data+Stack size (kb)
  22. t: SHR = Shared Mem size (kb)
  23. u: nFLT = Page Fault count
  24. v: nDRT = Dirty Pages count
  25. w: S = Process Status
  26. x: COMMAND = Command name/line
  27. y: WCHAN = Sleeping in Function
  28. z: Flags = Task Flags
  29. Note1:
  30. If a selected sort field can't be
  31. shown due to screen width or your
  32. field order, the '<' and '>' keys
  33. will be unavailable until a field
  34. within viewable range is chosen.
  35. Note2:
  36. Field sorting uses internal values,
  37. not those in column display. Thus,
  38. the TTY & WCHAN fields will violate
  39. strict ASCII collating sequence.
  40. (shame on you if WCHAN is chosen)


  1. 在Intel NUC上安装Linux
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  4. 如何知道你在 Linux 里常使用哪几个命令?
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【责任编辑:庞桂玉 TEL:(010)68476606】
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