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microsoft-office-365 – Office 365 – 如何获取每个用户的Offi

发布时间:2020-12-24 09:24 所属栏目:117 来源:网络整理
导读:我需要审核每个用户安装的Office安装数量以及安装Office Pro Plus的计算机名称. 我过去从未注意到有过这样一个报道的地方,但是可能有一个报道.令我惊讶的是,我在管理员门户中找不到任何内容. 然后我看到这篇博文:Managing Office 365 ProPlus installations

我需要审核每个用户安装的Office安装数量以及安装Office Pro Plus的计算机名称.


然后我看到这篇博文:Managing Office 365 ProPlus installations: activating,deactivating,and reactivating证实了我的挫折:

Only the signed in user can see this information. Even if you are the
administrator for your organization’s Office 365 subscription,you
can’t see this information in any of your Office 365 administrative
views. This also means you can’t deactivate a user’s installation of
Office on a specific computer.

我完全理解Office 365在Office 365上的激活/过期是如何工作的:

When a user installs Office on a computer from the Office 365 Portal,
and if the user hasn’t already installed and activated Office on five
other computers,Office is automatically activated. Once the Office
installation is activated,the software page in the Office 365 Portal
is updated with the name of the computer on which Office was

Every day or every time you launch an Office 365 ProPlus application,
it will check whether the individual installation or account has been
deactivated. The computer needs to be connected to the Internet at
least once every 30 days so that this check can be made. If the
computer isn’t connected to the Internet within 30 days,Office will
end up in reduced functionality mode. In reduced functionality mode,
the user will only be able to open and view existing Office files,but
will not be able to use most of the other features of the application.


所以,我不希望这么做,但也许其中一个MS Office 365合作伙伴/供应商设法创建了收集这些信息的东西?



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