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windows-server-2008 – 小型企业中的Active Directory灾难恢复

发布时间:2020-12-25 06:16 所属栏目:117 来源:网络整理
导读:这是一个假设的问题,但我确信有人必须先遇到和/或考虑过一些问题. 情况: 考虑到这一点,一个小型企业正在运行一个Active Directory域,并且有两个位于其办公室的域控制器.域控制器都是物理服务器(没有虚拟化). 每天运行域控制器的系统状态备份. 该公司遭受了


考虑到这一点,一个小型企业正在运行一个Active Directory域,并且有两个位于其办公室的域控制器.域控制器都是物理服务器(没有虚拟化).



该公司希望使用备份重建其域控制器,但是他们无法获得相同品牌和型号的服务器(因为它们已有几年历史).这给他们带来了一个问题,因为Active Directory作为“系统状态”的一部分进行备份,这意味着它与原始硬件紧密耦合.


不,我不同意.事实上,即使是Win 2003 DC,也可以恢复到不同的硬件并打捞AD.现在,您可能希望在还原之后在另一个盒子上重新安装 Windows以将AD复制到然后降级已恢复的盒子,因为它可能不是最稳定的系统,但它可以工作.谷歌“活动目录备份和恢复”和第一个链接是 http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb727048.aspx.这是你需要注意的部分:

Considerations for restoring onto different hardware

It is possible to restore a domain controller onto different hardware.
However,you should consider the following issues:

Different hardware abstraction layers (HALs). By default,the Hal.dll is not backed up as part of system state,however the Kernel32.dll is. Therefore,if you try to restore a backup onto a computer that requires a different HAL (for example,to support a
multiprocessor environment) compatibility issues exist between the new
HAL and the original Kernel32.dll. To overcome this incompatibility,
manually copy the Hal.dll from the original computer and install it on
the new computer. The limitation is that the new computer can use only
a single processor.

Incompatible Boot.ini File. If you backup and restore the boot.ini file,you might have some incompatibility with your new hardware
configuration,resulting in a failure to start. Before you restore it,
ensure that the boot.ini file is correct for your new hardware

Different Network or Video Cards. If your new hardware has a different video adapter or multiple network adapters,then uninstall
them before you restore data. When you restart the computer; the
normal Plug and Play functionality makes the necessary changes.

Disk Space and Partition Configuration. Partitions on the new computer must match those on the original computer. Specifically,all the drive mappings must be the same and the partition size must be at least equal to that on the original computer.

