Windows 2003服务器标准)移动到新机器(Windows 2008服务器标准),但新服务器无法读取旧的.job格式,导入向导只能从.xml作业文件(相同版本).显然,我不想手工重建所有工作,但找不到使工艺变得更容易的工具.我不相信微软的这种工具,我以前的经历一直很糟糕(DTS – > SSIS).有任何想法吗?
如果从vista / 2008服务器上运行schtasks,可以将xp / 2003 schtasks导出到xml. schtasks / query / s xpmachine / tn taskname / XML> taskname.xml然后你可以导入它.不完美但可以节省时间.我使用/ fo table打开任务导出excel删除不需要的列并创建批处理文件以转储xmls然后/ create / xml xmlfile.xml将xmls导入新服务器.希望这可以帮助.
所以它似乎有可能,但它需要一些jiggery pokery.
编辑 – 解决方案:
Where you got your job files was probably c:\windows\tasks,however under Vista there is a new place the xml files exist. (Under c:\windows\system32\tasks) Try looking there on your old machine if possible.
HOWEVER,there is a way if you can’t get to the original machine easily.
- You will need 2 files off an XP machine (Schtasks.exe and Schedsvc.dll) they are both in the Windows\System32 folder,copy them to USB and thats all you need from XP.
- Now on your Vista machine.
Put them in their own directory on your vista machine (lets say you make a directory called c:\sch and put those 2 files in there) DO NOT overwrite the vista ones in c:\windows\system32.
- Rename your job files Test1.job,Test2.job,Test3.job,Test4.job and copy them into c:\windows\tasks
- Open up a command prompt (Start Programs,Accessories,right click on Command Prompt and select run as administrator)
- Now to touch over the new .job files to get vistas scheduler to take on the parameters.
- In your command prompt
type in cd c:\sch then enter (for our example)
- Now for each job type in
schtasks /change /TN “Test1” /RU Terry /RP Terry (Changing the Test1 to Test2,Test3,Test4 for our example) The /RP and /RU values will have to change,thats a username and password (RP being password,RU Being User)
- You should receive the message
SUCCESS: The parameters of scheduled task “Test1” have been changed. for each job.
When done close your command prompt. From there Windows scheduler now knows about these,and you can use the windows Gui to update their names,and who they run as.
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