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windows-server-2008-r2 – Windows 2008 R2 gpupdate锁定我的用

发布时间:2021-02-18 19:17 所属栏目:117 来源:网络整理
导读:我去年建立了一台 Windows 2008 R2服务器,自从我的高级帐户每天锁定10-12次.经过大量的研究和测试后,我发现服务器在每次尝试更新组策略失败时都会锁定我的帐户(大约每90分钟一次).我发现网上没有任何信息表明其他人已经看过这个,我发现自己难以置信. 每次在

我去年建立了一台 Windows 2008 R2服务器,自从我的高级帐户每天锁定10-12次.经过大量的研究和测试后,我发现服务器在每次尝试更新组策略失败时都会锁定我的帐户(大约每90分钟一次).我发现网上没有任何信息表明其他人已经看过这个,我发现自己难以置信.


Event ID 14: The password stored in Credential Manager is invalid.
This might be caused by the user changing the password from this
computer or a different computer. To resolve this error,open
Credential Manager in Control Panel,and reenter the password for the
credential contoso\me.

Credential Manager中没有条目.无论我是否登录,无论我是否注销并使用本地管理员帐户删除我的个人资料,都会发生这种情况.

Event ID 40960: The Security System detected an authentication error
for the server cifs/ContosoDC.contoso.com. The failure code from
authentication protocol Kerberos was “The user account has been
automatically locked because too many invalid logon attempts or
password change attempts have been requested. (0xc0000234)”.

Event ID 1058:

The processing of Group Policy failed. Windows attempted to read the
from a domain controller and was not successful. Group Policy settings
may not be applied until this event is resolved. This issue may be
transient and could be caused by one or more of the following: a)
Name Resolution/Network Connectivity to the current domain controller.
b) File Replication Service Latency (a file created on another domain
controller has not replicated to the current domain controller). c)
The Distributed File System (DFS) client has been disabled.




显然,凭据管理器中可能存在未显示的密码.或者,引用 this link:

There are passwords that can be stored in the SYSTEM context that
can’t be seen in the normal Credential Manager view.

Download PsExec.exe from
07001 and copy
it to C:\Windows\System32 .

From a command prompt run: psexec -i -s -d cmd.exe

From the new DOS window run: rundll32 keymgr.dll,KRShowKeyMgr

Remove any items that appear in the list of Stored User Names and
Passwords. Restart the computer.


