api – 还有可能让Skype的用户在线状态?
正如标题所示,在API服务((大))更改后,是否仍可以在Skype上检查用户的状态(在线,离线,忙碌…)开发人员现在似乎非常有限: http://developer.skype.com/ 就在这里. 有一些网址可以用来检测在线状态.
http://mystatus.skype.com/smallicon/SKYPENAME 在PHP最好的方法是使用我的功能: /** * @version: 1.0 (2014-05-13 * * @param: String $username Skype Username * @param: [String $lang] Languagecode (possible values 2014-05-13: "en","fr","de","ja","zh-cn","zh-tw","pt","pt-br","it","es","pl","pl" * @param: [String $img_time] Typ im Status Image wich you like to show (Possible values: 2014-05-13: balloon,mediumicon,dropdown-trans) * * @return array "num" = Skype Statuscode,"text" = Statustext (Away" ect.),"img_url" url to Statuscode Image */ function getSkypeStatus($username,$lang = "de",$img_type = "mediumicon") { $url = "http://mystatus.skype.com/".$username.".xml"; $data = @file_get_contents($url); $status = array(); if($data === false) { $status = array("num" =>0,"text"=>"http error" ); if(isset($http_response_header)) $status["error_info"] = $http_response_header; } else { $pattern = '/xml:lang="NUM">(.*)</'; preg_match($pattern,$data,$match); $status["num"] = $match[1]; $pattern = '/xml:lang="' . $lang .'">(.*)</'; preg_match($pattern,$match); $status["text"] = $match[1]; $status["img_url"] = "http://mystatus.skype.com/".$img_type."/".$username; } return $status; } 用法: $status = getSkypeStatus("YourSkypeName"); // Minimal $status = getSkypeStatus("YourSkypeName","de"); // with defined language for Statustext $status = getSkypeStatus("YourSkypeName","mediumicon"); // with specified image // to display status Icon: echo '<img src="'.$status["img_url"].'" alt="'.$status["text"].'" title="'.$status["text"].'">'; // or if you like to do you own code for different status switch($status["num"]) { case 7: case 2: echo "You are online"; break; default: echo "you are offline or in away state"; } 可能的状态消息(英文)是 > http错误:获取api数据的错误,例如互联网问题 可能的数字状态码: > case 0 =未知 我上帝这些信息从以下线程: (编辑:ASP站长网) |