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Windows TCP窗口缩放过早达到高原(2)

发布时间:2021-03-15 06:05 所属栏目:117 来源:网络整理
导读:8MB / s将它提升到我在iperf中明确大窗口所获得的水平.奇怪的是,1273缓冲区中的80MB = 64kB缓冲区.另一个wireshark显示了一个好的,可变的RWIN从服务器回来(比例因子256),客户似乎满足;所以也许ntttcp误报了发送窗口

8MB / s将它提升到我在iperf中明确大窗口所获得的水平.奇怪的是,1273缓冲区中的80MB = 64kB缓冲区.另一个wireshark显示了一个好的,可变的RWIN从服务器回来(比例因子256),客户似乎满足;所以也许ntttcp误报了发送窗口.

更新4 – 7月3日

在@ karyhead的请求下,我做了一些测试并生成了更多的捕获,在这里:

>两个以上的iperfs,从Windows到同一个Linux服务器(一个具有128k Socket大小和默认64k窗口(再次限制为~5Mbit / s)和一个具有1MB发送窗口和默认8kb套接字大小. (比例更高)
>从同一Windows客户端到Server 2012R2 EC2实例(的一个ntttcp跟踪.在这里,吞吐量很好.注意:NTttcp在打开测试连接之前在端口6001上执行奇怪的操作.不知道那里发生了什么.
>一个FTP数据跟踪,使用Cygwin ncftp将20MB / dev / urandom上传到几乎相同的linux主机(再次限制就在那里.使用Windows Filezilla时,模式大致相同.


您是否尝试在Windows 7/8客户端中启用Compound TCP(CTCP).




These algorithms work well for small BDPs and smaller receive window
sizes. However,when you have a TCP connection with a large receive
window size and a large BDP,such as replicating data between two
servers located across a high-speed WAN link with a 100ms round-trip
time,these algorithms do not increase the send window fast enough to
fully utilize the bandwidth of the connection.

To better utilize the bandwidth of TCP connections in these
situations,the Next Generation TCP/IP stack includes Compound TCP
(CTCP). CTCP more aggressively increases the send window for
connections with large receive window sizes and BDPs. CTCP attempts to
maximize throughput on these types of connections by monitoring delay
variations and losses. In addition,CTCP ensures that its behavior
does not negatively impact other TCP connections.

CTCP is enabled by default in computers running Windows Server 2008 and disabled by
default in computers running Windows Vista. You can enable CTCP with the netsh
interface tcp set global congestionprovider=ctcp
command. You can disable CTCP with
the netsh interface tcp set global congestionprovider=none command.



> netsh int tcp show global

PO said:

If I understand this correctly,this setting increases the rate at
which the congestion window is enlarged rather than the maximum size
it can reach



Compound TCP

The existing algorithms that prevent a sending TCP peer from
overwhelming the network are known as slow start and congestion
avoidance. These algorithms increase the amount of segments that the
sender can send,known as the send window,when initially sending data
on the connection and when recovering from a lost segment. Slow start
increases the send window by one full TCP segment for either each
acknowledgement segment received (for TCP in Windows XP and Windows
Server 2003) or for each segment acknowledged (for TCP in Windows
Vista and Windows Server 2008). Congestion avoidance increases the
send window by one full TCP segment for each full window of data that
is acknowledged.

These algorithms work well for LAN media speeds and smaller TCP window
sizes. However,when you have a TCP connection with a large receive
window size and a large bandwidth-delay product (high bandwidth and
high delay),such as replicating data between two servers located
across a high-speed WAN link with a 100 ms round trip time,these
algorithms do not increase the send window fast enough to fully
utilize the bandwidth of the connection. For example,on a 1 Gigabit
per second (Gbps) WAN link with a 100 ms round trip time (RTT),it can
take up to an hour for the send window to initially increase to the
large window size being advertised by the receiver and to recover when
there are lost segments.

