RoboCopy的工作选项有什么作用? / MON和/ MOT开关究竟做了什么?我该如何使用它们?我不明白它们,也找不到任何关于如何使用它们的例子.
- /MON:n – MONitor source; run again when more than n changes seen.
- /MOT:m – MOnitor source; run again in m minutes Time,if changed.
- /JOB:jobname – take parameters from the named JOB file.
- /SAVE:jobname – SAVE parameters to the named job file
- /QUIT – QUIT after processing command line (to view parameters).
- /NOSD – NO Source Directory is specified.
- /NODD – NO Destination Directory is specified.
- /IF – Include the following Files.
什么是工作档案?什么是/ NOSD和/ NODD开关?
Does this mean that it will run one time first and then keep running after it finishes and run again if a change happens somewhere down in the filestructure or when something have changed and a time has passed?
是. / MON计算更改的文件数; / MOT计算时间.
This page表示它会一直运行,直到您中断正在运行的作业,例如,使用control-C.